Weekly retrospect #4: UNTITLED!
One thing I
never liked working within the digital era is the fact that you have to name images!
Yes you understand me correctly. Back in the old days you shoot an image, developed the film and when you had the image on paper in your hands everything was good. And honestly the picture never need a name to “exist”. That’s completely different nowadays. An image requires a name to exist. Even if if you don’t want to name it it is called “untitled”, which is indeed a name. With some images I have my problems to find the right name. First of all, the camera lables the pictures accordingly to its own naming convention, then Photoshop is asking for a name to safe the image. But what if I never want to give the image a name? No chance in the digital era ….
Yes you understand me correctly. Back in the old days you shoot an image, developed the film and when you had the image on paper in your hands everything was good. And honestly the picture never need a name to “exist”. That’s completely different nowadays. An image requires a name to exist. Even if if you don’t want to name it it is called “untitled”, which is indeed a name. With some images I have my problems to find the right name. First of all, the camera lables the pictures accordingly to its own naming convention, then Photoshop is asking for a name to safe the image. But what if I never want to give the image a name? No chance in the digital era ….
The image below has the title THUNDERSTORM, but originally should have no name. Everyone who looks at it knows that this is a thunderstorm, I don't need to explain that in the image title. So for today it is labled in that way. Enjoy.
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