iPhone and art

As you all know, the iPhone has changed our life, as it is not a simple telephone, it's a workspace with a lot of abilities. Sure art and the way we treat art has also changed dramatically, not only because of the iPhone, but it plays an important role. It also changed my workflow. It's not the fact that you can take photos without carrying a huge DSLR with you, you can add effects in realtime. So please step back and remember the times when you have to buy a color slide film, or a color negative film. Take 36 images (always think about the scenery and if it worth to spent that image), wait several days until the film has been processed and then have a look. Again wait for days if you found your favourite and want to have a print. Plaes have a look at the images to the left. They all have been taken with an iPhone (3G). Most of them have been processed with the app ShakeIt, transfered to the PC and then edited with Photoshop, Gertrudis and PDPro.
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